Career Interests Navigator
9th - 12th grades/College
The Career Interests Navigator package includes:
Assessment analysis
Printed report of assessment findings and recommendations, including list of high indicator career matches
Follow-on counseling sessions to discuss report findings, explore career matches and create an action plan
Action plan summary
Many high school and college students have difficulty identifying their core aptitudes and authentic passions as they relate to potential career paths. Students are so heavily scheduled that they lack the down time necessary to informally explore interests or develop skills in a self-directed way. While busy meeting external demands, they often miss the opportunity to explore their intrinsic goals and aptitudes. The question “What do you want to be when you grow up” often elicits a deer-in-the-headlights look of terror and a palpable sense of anxiety.
My goal for young people is to identify and develop authentic interests that can lead to meaningful work and lifelong pursuits. I support their growth through a multi-dimensional, research-based Career Interests Navigator counseling process. The process begins with a GS120 research-validated assessment that students take in a 2-hour online session. The report from the assessment provides a multi-dimensional profile, including detailed sub-reports on aptitudes, interests, values and personality traits, and a list of high indicator career matches. I coach students through a series of follow-on sessions during which we analyze the assessment findings and develop a concrete action plan for accumulating information about and experiences in those fields.
For high school students, the Career Interests Navigator package helps guide their decisions regarding course selection, extra-curricular activities and summer plans. Building on this strong foundation, they are well-positioned to articulate and demonstrate their authentic interests and goals in the college search and application process.
For college students, the Career Interests Navigator package offers an intensive process that identifies potential career matches and culminates in an action plan for exploring those matches through courses of study, informational interviews, internships, summer jobs, volunteering and other activities.
The Greenwood System 120
After evaluating several interest and career inventories, I choose to become certified as a Greenwood Systems Trained Counselor because I believe it is the best match for young adults. The Greenwood System GS120 Assessment is a research-based and validated assessment that aligns with the Greenwood Career Decision-Making Model (GCDM) and integrates four distinct domains : interests, personality, aptitudes, and values. Interest assessments are the Strong Interest Inventory (SII; Strong, Campbell, & Hansen, 1985) and a career planner checklist; personality assessments are the California Psychological Inventory (CPI; Gough, 1987) and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; Briggs, Myers, & McCaulley, 1962); aptitude assessments are the Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT; Bennett, Seashore, & Wesman, 1987); and values assessments are five self-report measures.
The assessment is supplemented by a series of structured interviews and steps to identify and explore career paths that are a match for the student.